Impact of School Sports Premium for 2015/16
Additional resources for the playground have enabled a greater range of opportunities to be available at unstructured times of the day, encouraging greater participation.
The various CPD opportunities accessed through our Take Pride CIC packaged had a significant impact on increasing the confidence and subject knowledge for staff who reported:
“CPD has provided me with inspiration for future lesson content.”
“I have gained more ideas on how to link certain activities and develop children's skills; from basic catching of a ball to moving with the ball and catching it.”
“CPD was really useful to see possible progression of skills eg beanbag activities. Made me realise my planning needs to be even more skills based to ensure better differentiation.”
“All of the activities/training/lessons observed had a faster pace than I may have previously used. It has made me more aware of pace in my own lessons.”
“It has been really valuable teaching PE with Rob as I have gained so many games/activities that I can use with my class.”