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Infant School

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Curriculum Impact

Curriculum Impact:

  • Our curriculum ensures that every child is enabled to be successful and make the best possible academic progress. The attainment of pupils at the end of Key Stage One is typically above national averages at expected and greater depth levels.

  • All groups of pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, achieve well so that the difference between groups of pupils is diminished.

  • Pupils leave our school as confident and independent learners who are aware of their own developing resilience. Pupils are able to work autonomously and collaboratively, drawing on their developed skills of cooperation, exploration and investigation. The curriculum ensures pupils develop a love of learning and inspires them to be inquisitive and curious; pupils are engaged with their own learning. Pupils are reflective and are able to talk in an informed way about their learning behaviours and the impact of these; what they have learned and how. This is underpinned by pupils’ strong development of reading skills which then enable them to access all other areas of the curriculum. This sets them in good stead for their continued learning journey at Junior School and beyond.

  • Pupils learn a considered and varied range of knowledge across all subject areas which informs them well and leads to a thirst for learning more. This is evident in how pupils continue their learning outside of school. Pupils are able to use their learned skills to embed their knowledge and confidently apply these across the curriculum. Pupils learn through contexts which are relevant to them and follow their interests; this makes them feel valued and further excites them about their success. Pupils show pride in their achievements and their learning process, which the implementation of the curriculum enables to be unique for each child. This is evident in the quality of the work and the learning taking place in books and through online learning journeys.

  • Due to the schools belief in the whole child and the importance of every aspect of a child’s development, pupils leave our school as healthy and well-rounded individuals with a strong sense of self, equality and justice, as well as an acceptance for others and respect for all. Pupils leave our school having developed a strong sense of community and their role within it, ensuring they have the skills to become good citizens.

  • Pupils feel listened to and feel safe both emotionally and physically. This is due to the design of the curriculum which encourages risk taking and self-challenge as well as a consistently applied approach to behaviour management (using restorative justice) and extremely strong and positive relationships between staff and pupils.

  • Enhancements to the curriculum and extra-curricular activities ensure children have a rich set of experiences whilst at our school. Consequently, pupils want to come to school (as evidence in attendance data) and have experienced a range of learning opportunities which they are able to draw on throughout their social and educational journey. These broad and diverse experiences also develop pupils’ personal, social and emotional skills.

As part of the government's reforms to the National Curriculum, the current system of ‘levels’ used to report children’s attainment and progress has been removed from September 2014 and will not be replaced. The removal of levels has allowed us greater flexibility in the way that we plan and assess pupils’ learning.

The programmes of study within the new National Curriculum (NC) set out expectations at the end of each key stage, and we have developed a curriculum relevant to our pupils that teaches this content. The curriculum includes an assessment system which enables us to check what our pupils have learned and whether they are on track to meet expectations at the end of the key stage. We will report this to parents throughout the year.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please email

