Term One - Getting to know you!
We welcome all of our new Butterflies, Bumblebees, Dragonflies and Blackbirds, along with their families, to Year R at The Oaks. We are very excited to get to know you better, and begin your child's educational journey with you. This term is all about YOU! We look forward to finding out about each child, their family, and their interests, experiences and fascinations.
Are you ready to play, investigate, discover, and create? The staff have been very busy over the summer, creating exciting new environments for you to explore. Here is a sneak peak into the learning environments. Where will you begin?....
Thank you to all who have signed up and got going with Tapestry over the summer. We have been able to get to know you a little already, and it really helps the children to share their home experiences with us, when they begin in the next few weeks. If you haven't already posted on Tapestry, please do have a go, we are looking out for your posts, and as soon as the children begin, we will share their first days at school with you too.
Term 2
This term we will be looking at all the changes that are happening in our environment as we move into Autumn and Winter, and also thinking about the different festivals that we like to celebrate. Things get very exciting in the second half of the term as we approach the Christmas break, and there will be lots of fun things happening.
We have noticed some changes to our environment already and have been exploring the season of Autumn by exploring autumn colours, pumpkins and conkers!
Phonics and Reading
The children have worked so hard in Term 1 to develop their phonic knowledge. We will be continuing into Term 2 learning new phonemes and tricky words to support the children's reading development.
This term we will be introducing the children to reading books for reading practice sessions in school and to take home for practice at home. The children will also be given the opportunity to bring home a reading for pleasure book for quality time reading with someone special at home.
Term 3 - Where in the World?
This term, we will be thinking about our own environment, as well as learning about some other places in the world. We are continuing to look at changes that are happening all around us as we move through the Winter. Although the weather is cold and wet, we have already noticed some daffodil shoots appearing around the school grounds, and later in the term we will be looking out for native British birds, linked to the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.
Term 4 - We love to read!