Curriculum Intent:
At The Oaks Infant School the curriculum is designed around our belief that each child is unique and should be empowered to be a confident, resilient, content, independent, inspired, self-motivated, life-long learner. It has been created with a deep understanding of child development research so that it best meets the needs and learning styles of all the children at our school. The curriculum has been designed around a core set of progressive knowledge and skills, but the context in which these are delivered is tailored to each cohort of children dependent on their needs and interests. The knowledge and skills are planned intelligently so that the sequence enables children to explore, embed and then develop expertise.
The curriculum is purposeful and meaningful for the children in our school at this time, rooted in the belief that our curriculum will develop life-long learners. It is our intention that opportunities are endless for each pupil particularly ensuring any barriers to success are overcome for any disadvantaged or vulnerable pupil. The delivery and design of our curriculum is planned to ensure a seamless transition between year groups and key stages, including readiness for their next stage of education.
It is our belief that children will be most successful when school and home work together in partnership. Therefore we have a high focus on engaging parents with their child’s learning through a variety of methods; enabling parents to support their children’s learning using a consistent approach with school.
It is our aim to continuously reflect on the impact of our curriculum. This year our reflections have led us to review our provision for communication and language development, our Maths curriculum and how well we cater for cultural diversity within a community of limited diversity.
As a staff team we are relentless in ensuring we offer the highest quality of education for our pupils. To this end we continuously reflect upon and develop the pedagogy underpinning our curriculum. We immerse ourselves in a range of think pieces from inspiring pioneers, hosting reciprocal visits with local schools as well as those further afield and gaining inspiration from educationalists online. As a result we shape a bespoke curriculum offer for our pupils.