2013 / 14
For the last academic year we received £29,800 in Pupil Premium Funding.
At The Oaks we used the additional funding in the following ways:
- Provision of short-term intervention programmes for underachieving pupils and those with SEN. This includes one to one interventions.
- Employment of a Family Liaison Officer who also runs Nurture Groups to support the well-being of pupils in school.
- Provision of enriching experiences for children through visitors into school as well as trips to outside facilities.
- Access to the SPARKS programme to support pupil well-being.
- Provision of additional adult support at unstructured times of the day to enhance pupil involvement in physical activities and develop social skills, reducing incidents of conflict.
The main outcomes of this additional funding were as follows:
Year 2 Pupils (10 eligible)
- 100% of the eligible pupils exceeded nationally expected* progress.
- 56% of the eligible pupils made the school’s expected progress (12 points across the Key Stage).
- 22% of the eligible pupils made the school’s accelerated progress (13+ points across the Key Stage).
- 66.7% reached or exceeded nationally expected levels of attainment (Level 2b+).
- 100% of the eligible pupils exceeded nationally expected* progress.
- 56% of the eligible pupils made the school’s expected progress (12 points across the Key Stage).
- 44% of the eligible pupils made the school’s accelerated progress (13+ points across the Key Stage).
- 66.7% reached or exceeded nationally expected levels of attainment (Level 2b+).
- 100% of the eligible pupils achieved or exceeded nationally expected* progress.
- 44% of the eligible pupils made the school’s expected progress (12 points across the Key Stage).
- 11% of the eligible pupils made the school’s accelerated progress (13+ points across the Key Stage).
- 22.3% reached or exceeded nationally expected levels of attainment (Level 2b+), however 88.9% achieved Level 2c+.
Year 1 Pupils (16 eligible)
- 100% of the eligible pupils exceeded nationally expected* progress.
- 69% of the eligible pupils made the school’s expected progress (6 points in year).
- 31% of the eligible pupils made the school’s accelerated progress (7+ points in year).
- 92.3% reached or exceeded nationally expected levels of attainment (Level 1b+).
- 100% of the eligible pupils achieved or exceeded nationally expected* progress.
- 92% of the eligible pupils made the school’s expected progress (6 points in year).
- 31% of the eligible pupils made the school’s accelerated progress (7+ points in year).
- 92.3% reached or exceeded nationally expected levels of attainment (Level 1b+).
- 100% of the eligible pupils exceeded nationally expected* progress.
- 92% of the eligible pupils made the school’s expected progress (6 points in year).
- 31% of the eligible pupils made the school’s accelerated progress (7+ points in year).
- 76.9% reached or exceeded nationally expected levels of attainment (Level 1b+).
Year R Pupils (7 eligible)
100% of pupils achieved expected outcomes against the Early Learning Goals in Number and Shape, Space and Measures.
85.7% of pupils achieved expected outcomes against the Early Learning Goals in reading and writing. One child exceeded the Early Learning Goal outcomes in writing.