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Infant School

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2017 Results

End of Key Stage One Attainment

(Results include the Swale Speech and Language Unit)

Proportion of pupils achieving Expected Standard +:

Reading: 81% (above National)

Writing: 73% (above National)

Maths: 76% (above National)


Proportion of pupils achieving Greater Depth:

Reading: 30% (5% above National)

Writing: 18% (1 % above National)

Maths: 18% (3% below National)


Year One

(Results include the Swale Speech and Language Unit)

Phonics Screening: 77% (below National)


EYFS Attainment

(Results include the Swale Speech and Language Unit)

Proportions of pupils achieving:

Good Level of Development – 74% (above National)

Exceeding or Expected Literacy Goals - 74%

Exceeding or Expected Mathematics Goals - 77%
