End of Key Stage One Attainment
(Results include the Swale Speech and Language Unit)
Proportion of pupils achieving Expected Standard +:
Reading: 81% (above National)
Writing: 73% (above National)
Maths: 76% (above National)
Proportion of pupils achieving Greater Depth:
Reading: 30% (5% above National)
Writing: 18% (1 % above National)
Maths: 18% (3% below National)
Year One
(Results include the Swale Speech and Language Unit)
Phonics Screening: 77% (below National)
EYFS Attainment
(Results include the Swale Speech and Language Unit)
Proportions of pupils achieving:
Good Level of Development – 74% (above National)
Exceeding or Expected Literacy Goals - 74%
Exceeding or Expected Mathematics Goals - 77%