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Writing Curriculum Intent


Within our English lessons in each year group the children are exposed to a wide variety of different text types and genres, using one key high quality text each term. We strive to follow the Authentic Writing Process Model using Power of Reading teaching sequence resources published from the CLPE (Centre for Literacy in Primary Education).






Each Teaching Sequence journey will provide a wide range of language opportunities: real and personal experiences, encouraging curiosity, sustained shared thinking, personal narratives, high quality books, fictional narratives. 


We recognise that writing is a multi-layered process and we help to look at each individual skill, whilst modelling the writing as a whole. We work hard to ensure the writing process doesn’t overwhelm the writer and adapt lessons and teaching so that every child can feel that they are a writer and take ownership of their work.

The Oaks English Curriculum Map: Nursery to Year 2

Writing in the Learning Enviroment
