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The Oaks

Infant School

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  • Intent - At The Oaks, we believe that our PSHE curriculum is a vital part of your child’s education. Research shows that pupils who are emotionally healthy tend to do better at school. Our PSHE education plays a crucial role in helping children realise their potential by supporting their well-being and addressing issues that can impact their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships.


  • Implementation - Our curriculum is designed to equip all children with the skills, knowledge, and attributes they need to understand the world around them. We focus on preparing them for the responsibilities and challenges they may encounter in life. This approach not only fosters emotional resilience but also empowers our pupils to lead healthy, independent lives.


  • Impact - By becoming informed and active participants in their communities our children can develop into responsible citizens. We aim to create a safe and supportive environment where every child can thrive. In doing so, we lay the foundation for a brighter future, both for our pupils and the wider community. Together, we will nurture well-rounded individuals who are ready to embrace all that life has to offer.

As part of the whole school approach to the Zones of Emotional Regulation, each classroom has a Place for Peace; a quiet space for children to self-regulate, regroup their thoughts and feelings or to relax. 

What are The Zones of Regulation? -Official Video-

Feelings are complicated. They come in different sizes, intensities, and levels of energy that are unique within our brains and bodies. To make them easier to talk about, think about, and regulate, The Zones of Regulation organizes our feelings, states of alertness, and energy levels into four colored Zones - Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red.
