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Infant School

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Term 2

Term 2


This term we will be looking at all the changes that are happening in our environment as we move into Autumn and Winter, and also thinking about the different festivals that we like to celebrate. Things get very exciting in the second half of the term as we approach the Christmas break, and there will be lots of fun things happening. 


We have noticed some changes to our environment already and have been exploring the season of Autumn by exploring autumn colours, pumpkins and conkers! 

Phonics and Reading


The children have worked so hard in Term 1 to develop their phonic knowledge. We will be continuing into Term 2 learning new phonemes and tricky words to support the children's reading development. 


This term we will be introducing the children to reading books for reading practice sessions in school and to take home for practice at home. The children will also be given the opportunity to bring home a reading for pleasure book for quality time reading with someone special at home. 
