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The Oaks

Infant School

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Year 1

We welcome all Goldfinches, Robins and Wagtails into Year One and we are looking forward to learning, discovering and exploring together.



The year one team have worked hard over the summer to create an exciting, enriching environment for you. We can't wait for you to start learning!

Term One

We will be focussing on this book...

Will the bear get his hat back?!

Our first exciting topic is called, 'Me and Other Animals'. 




A celebration of our learning about 'Me and other animals'...

Look at what we have been learning...

Term Two



Our topic is called, 'Let's Celebrate!'



What have you celebrated lately?

How did you celebrate?

We will be focusing on this book: Pattan's Pumpkin by Chitra Soundar

We have learnt so much about our own celebrations and celebrations in other cultures. Look at what we have been doing...

Term 3 - Our topic is called:

Amazing Architects


This term we are going to be learning how to design, make and evaluate structures. We will look at famous buildings for inspirational ideas.  We will know which materials to choose and we will think about making our buildings eco-friendly.






Look at our learning in Term 3...

Term 4


Jump in to the time machine and strap yourselves in...Year One are going to


Here is our topic web:

Look at our 'Rolling like a River' learning...

Term 5


'We are growing on an adventure!'

Wow! Look at the fun we had this term learning about growing and explorers...

Term 6


Our topic is 

3,2,1 Blast off!


Term 6 topic web...'Look up, look down, look all around...'

Home Learning

Check out these links to websites and suggestions of things you can do at home. 

Oxford Owl is a great website with a wide range of ideas for phonics and maths. Take a look at their free eBook library too, where you can find books matched to your child's book band with accompanying activities. 

As well as accessing the learning websites listed above please continue to support your child to access the Numblocks learning site. 

If your child could work through the criteria listed to achieve the bronze, silver and gold Maths awards this would also be very beneficial to them.
