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The Oaks

Infant School

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At our school we would like children to be confident in computing and to be resilient in the digital world. We aim for children to become life-long learners and provide children with the skills they need to thrive in an ever changing technological environment. We provide children with a high-quality computing education with a great many opportunities to explore the three key areas of computing (computer science, information technology and digital literacy).


To enable this we use the Teach Computing curriculum to help pupils become technologically minded with a range of transferable skills that cover a range of computing topics. These include algorithms, computer systems, creating digital media, interpreting and creating data, programming and online safety.  How to stay safe online is of key importance and is interwoven into subjects across the Curriculum where staff are trained and well equipped to support children.  This is communicated through a range of different ways to parents, including newsletters and Tapestry. 


New learning builds on previous learning and children will be given the opportunity to apply this to a range of different contexts and make connections between their knowledge. This will support children in being confident and competent users of technology, using a scaffolded approach so that all pupils can succeed.


Children will develop a respectful attitude towards using technology, alongside being responsible and safe online not only in computing sessions, but across the curriculum as a whole.


In the Early Years computing and technology is taught through a child-initiated approach. Children have access to a range of technology within the classroom environment which children can use and explore to access a range of learning. Children are encouraged to see the range of technology in the world around them. This learning becomes more formalised towards the end of the year, introducing children to some of the technology, including laptops, that they will use in KS1.


Children in KS1 have dedicated weekly computing sessions alongside using technology in a cross-curricular way. We follow the Teach Computing curriculum which covers a broad range of digital skills including programming, creating a range of digital media and online safety. Skills will be revisited and developed as children progress through KS1. Children will be exposed to a range of appropriate and engaging software and hardware to support their learning in an ever-changing environment.


Children are confident, competent and safe users of technology. Children learn relevant skills that they can transfer back into the real world, having developed their key foundational skills needed at this stage of their learning. This is particularly key in a field that is ever changing and developing.

Children are developing a respectful attitude towards using technology and understand the importance of being safe online.

Links to applications we use:

During computing lessons children will use a range of hardware and software. Please find links below to some of the software that we use, so you can practice and enjoy these with your children at home.


Pictograms (Y2)

Chrome Music Lab (Y2) 

Scratch JR (Y1 and 2)

PaintZ (Y1) 

Microsoft Word

How it is assessed

Computing is assessed in a range of ways. A majority of the assessment comes in the moment during lessons themselves, as pupils encounter software and hardware in real time, with teachers looking for how well children can use different programs, as well as their problem solving skills and resilience when thing don’t go according to plan. This is a key skill across the curriculum but particularly in computing when programming as things often have to be ‘debugged’. Computing is also assessed through a range of bookwork, which focuses on the theory and planning stage before children use the technology itself. Finally pictures and videos are uploaded to Tapestry our online learning journal.
