Term 3
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable Christmas break. We would like to say a big hello to our new families; we look forward to getting to know you properly over the next few months.
This term the children will be developing their social skills as they navigate new faces and personalities in the setting. It is lovely to see how quickly the new children are welcomed by our existing Ladybirds and the new friendships that will be made.
The colder months offer lots more exciting learning in our outside area as we notice changes to our landscape. We will be spending lots of time outside so please make sure the children are prepared for the cold weather.
Please continue to share your children's time at home on Tapestry, the children really do enjoy sharing the photos and videos with their friends and it is a great way for them to start conversations and notice shared experiences.
Term 2
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed the half term break. Now the children are well and truly settled we will be enjoying the build up to Christmas and all the excitement that this brings.
This term we will be increasing our visits to the woods and enjoying the changing colours of Autumn. The children really enjoy their time here and have the opportunity to explore and experience problem solving activities in the great outdoors! Have a look at some of the things we get up to on our visits.
We will be continuing to plan our sessions around the children's interests and share their learning with you on Tapestry.
Welcome to Ladybirds!
A big hello and welcome to all our Ladybirds! I hope you have enjoyed the summer but are now looking forward to coming to join us in the nursery. We have been busy getting the classroom ready and the only thing missing is you!
This term will be all about getting to know each other and making new friends. We have a beautiful indoor and outdoor space for you to explore and play in; you may enjoy spending time playing in the water tray, or perhaps making playdough? You may prefer to build something with our construction materials outside or make a delicious mud pie in the mud kitchen. Whatever you decide, we'll be there to play with you and support your learning as you go, I can't wait to see where your imagination will take you.
We hope you enjoy your time with us and soon feel part of the Ladybird family.