At our school we would like children to be confident in design technology through offering a high quality curriculum that engages, inspires and challenges pupils. It is our aim for children to become life-long learners and provide children with the skills they need to adapt to a changing society through the DT curriculum. Children will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own designs, empowering them to learn how to make a positive impact on the world.
To enable this children will take a hands-on approach through developing their own practical DT skills. Children will create their own products that solve real world problems as they go through the design, make and evaluate process. This will allow children to develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills alongside gaining confidence in their own design abilities, supporting their learning not only in DT but across the curriculum as a whole.
This is implemented through a variety of creative and practical activities, with key knowledge, understanding and skills being taught to engage in the iterative process of design.
In the Early Years children will explore and use a variety of materials using a child-initiated approach. Children will have the opportunity to make a range of products, following their own interests and will be able to express their own ideas.
Learning becomes more formalised in KS1. Children will design and make products following the design, make, evaluate approach. During the design process children will consider the function and purpose of their products, aimed at particular individuals or groups of people, taking their needs into consideration. During the making stage, children will create real products, enabling them to develop their practical making skills. Children will learn how to use a range of different tools and equipment, appropriately and safely, whilst learning different making techniques. Children will then be able to evaluate their products using a range of self and peer evaluation strategies and are given time to be able to refine their work.
Our DT lessons are tailored to be ambitious, engaging, and responsive to individual needs, encouraging children to develop a range of skills that prepare them for the future.
As a result of our broad DT curriculum, children at the Oaks will exhibit confidence, a love for learning and a passion for creativity. They will demonstrate resilience and self-regulation, becoming independent and ambitious learners, who are inspired to solve problems and explore their own interests. Children will also develop the creative, technical and practical skills needed to perform everyday design tasks with confidence and be able to apply these skills to an increasingly technological world.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods: reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes; pupil discussions about their learning, which includes discussion of their thoughts, ideas, processing and evaluations of work. As designers, children will develop skills and attributes they can use beyond school and into adulthood our inclusive approach fosters a community where learners value and respect others, embodying British values and becoming confident and curious individuals.