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The Oaks

Infant School

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The intent of the Geography Curriculum at The Oaks is to ignite children’s natural curiosity and a sense of wonder in the world in which we live, and its people. We aim to equip children with geographical skills to develop their knowledge through studying places, people and natural and human environments. Through our teaching, we intend to provoke thought, questions and to encourage children to discover answers to their own questions through exploration and research, giving them a greater understanding and knowledge of the world and their place within it.  Our intent is to equip The Oaks Geographers with the skills they need to interact with this complex and ever-changing world with care, tolerance and a sense of responsibility for their own impact on the future. The Geography curriculum offers a sequence of geographical topics to support learning from the Early Years through to the end of Key Stage Two. Our aim is for pupils to accumulate knowledge and skills as they progress throughout the school, building on previous learning so that their knowledge and understanding becomes broader and deeper. The main areas of Geographical study match those of the National Curriculum, and include the development of locational knowledge, geographical skills and a growing understanding of human and physical processes. Our aim is to develop key fieldwork skills, both through the topics covered, and more intensely during a fieldwork fortnight for the whole school in the summer term.



In the Early Years Geography is taught mainly through a child-initiated approach. Staff have a clear understanding of the next steps in the child's learning journey, and develop the children's knowledge, understanding and vocabulary, through carefully thought out interactions and sustained shared thinking in play-based activities. Children also have regular 'welly walks' in the school grounds, through which they are able to explore their immediate environment, and how this changes through the seasons. In addition, they experience walks in the local area, and a trip further afield to a contrasting environment in the summer term. Children are also exposed to contrasting locations through our Power of Reading texts, and are encouraged to create maps based on journeys and locations within these texts. 


In Key Stage One we follow a topic approach, with alternative terms being focused on either Geography or History. The children have dedicated weekly topic sessions, and our long term curriculum plan has been carefully developed to ensure that key geographical knowledge and skills are taught systematically, and built upon in the following year group. 



Our Geography curriculum offers a well-planned sequence of topics and lessons, which are both stimulating in content and build upon existing knowledge from the previous years. Geographical enquiry helps pupils to gain a wider knowledge and understanding of the world and its people. By the end of Key Stage One, children will have a growing knowledge of the world and their place within it. They will have a widening vocabulary of geographical terms and begun to develop their fieldwork skills. 
