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Infant School

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Year 2

Term 1: A place like home


We are very excited to welcome the children back and begin our very first topic... A place like home! We have lots of 'getting to know you' activities planned and lots of fun games to settle the children back into school. 


In English the children will begin writing short narratives about themselves and their families. We will share and promote good reading habits, the use of the library and class book corners. We will also be celebrating famous British children's authors as part of Roald Dahl Day. 


During Maths lessons we are going to be focusing on number and place value, completing lots of practical, hands on activities using different manipulatives to support us like, tens frames, numicon and unifix cubes. We will then move on to addition and subtraction. 


In Science we are going to be looking at living things and their habitats. The children will explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive. As well as identifying various habitats and why they are suitable. 


During Topic we are predominately focusing on Geography. We are going to be creating our own map of the school grounds and then looking at Sittingbourne town on Google maps. The children will be providing compass directions to a friend. They will then compare Sittingbourne to a town in Africa.


As you can see, we have got lots of great things planned for the children and we are so excited to begin! We hope you have all had a restful, fun summer and can't wait to see you in Year 2! smiley


Term 2: History of Schools


We are very excited about our new topic… ‘History of Schools' We will be taking a step back in time and looking at how schools have changed over time. We will even have some special guests talking about what The Oaks was like when it first opened. 


In English we are going to be focusing on:


  • Speaking confidently about a picture book and responding to it in a range of ways.

  • Considering the ways in which illustrations can deepen and enrich the meaning of a text and enhance the reader experience.

  • Exploring stories through role-play.

  • Developing their response by exploring interpretations of themes, plots and characters’ actions and motivations through discussions and reflection.


We will continue to send home spellings each week on Tapestry for you to practise at home. Please ensure you work with your child on these spellings as it will support them with both their reading and writing.



In Maths we are going to be focusing on addition and subtraction; specifically, comparing number sentences, bonds to 100, 10 more and 10 less, add and subtract tens, adding a 2 digit and a 1 digit number, subtracting a 2 digit from a 2 digit number and adding three single digit numbers.


In Science we are continuing to learning about 'Living Things and Their Habitats' We will be learning how animals obtain food from other animals and plants. We will also be finding out about food chains. Jacques Cousteau will be a scientist that we will learn about.


In PSHE we will be continuing 'Relationships'. We will be discussing online relationships and online reputation. We will then focus on appropriate and inappropriate touch, hurtful teasing and bulling and what to do if this is happening. 


During PE we will being doing:

'Yoga' where the children will develop their balance, flexibility, strength and co-ordination.

'Ball Skills'. The children will develop their fundamental ball skills such as throwing, catching, rolling, hitting a target, dribbling with both hands and feet and kicking. They will look to perform these skills with increasing control and accuracy using co-ordination and balance. The children will have the opportunity to work independently, in pairs and small groups. 


We are very excited about Term 2! smiley

Term 3: Our Planet


Welcome to a New Year and a new term! Our new topic this term is 'Our Planet.' We are going to be focusing on learning the world's continents and oceans, atlas skills and understanding how humans impact the global environment.


In English this term we are going to be focusing on engaging with a story with which the children will empathise. They will explore themes and issues, and develop and sustain ideas through discussion. They will develop creative responses to our text through drama, storytelling and artwork. The children will write in role in order to explore and develop empathy for characters. They will write with confidence for real purpose and audiences.


In Maths we are going to be focusing on shape and money. We will continue with shape and will be focusing on sorting 2D and 3D shapes. The children will also count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes as well as make patterns with 2D and 3D shapes. When learning about money we will be finding different combinations of coins that equal the same amount, recognise and use symbols for pounds and pence, combine amounts to make a particular value and solve simple problems.


We will be 'working scientifically' in Science taking part in a variety of different investigations. We will be asking questions, observing closely, identifying and classifying and recording data. 


In PE we will be focusing on Fitness and Gymnastics:

Fitness – Children will take part in a range of fitness activities to develop components of fitness. They will begin to explore and develop agility, balance, co-ordination, speed and stamina. They will be given the opportunity to work independently and with others. They will develop perseverance and show determination to work for longer periods of time.


Gymnastics– Children will learn explore and develop basic gymnastic actions on the floor and using apparatus. They will develop gymnastic skills of jumping, rolling, balancing and travelling individually and in combination to create short sequences and movement phrases. Children will develop and create sequences to include the use of shapes, levels and directions. They will learn to work safely with and around others and whilst using apparatus. Children are given opportunities to provide feedback to others and recognise elements of high quality performance. 


During our PSHE sessions our focus will be 'Living in the Wider World.' and Online Bullying.


We are very excited about our new topic! smiley


Welcome to Term 4 'Kings, Queens and Flying Machines.'

How Did We Learn to Fly?

The children are going to be developing their knowledge of events beyond living memory and reinforcing their chronological understanding by looking at significant events in the history of flight on a timeline. They will also learn about individuals who contributed to the history of flight. 

What is a Monarch?

The children are going to be finding out the role of a monarch and comparing the monarchy today with the monarchy in the past. They will then investigate how William the Conqueror became King and learn how he used castles to rule. They will study different types of castles and consider how these evolved over time.


In English, we are going to be focusing on poetry and rhyming. We will be studying the poet Michael Rosen and his rhythm and rhyme in performance poetry. We will also be reading a chocolate themed story, focusing on prediction, story structure and retelling a story. 


In Maths we are going to be focusing on multiplication and division. The children will be recognising and making equal groups. They will use x to solve multiplication number sentences. The children will need to recall and use multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and 10 times tables, it would be great if you could practise these times tables at home. They will also being using their knowledge to solve problems using arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and multiplication and division facts. 


In Science we are going to be learning about plants. The children will be able to identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees. They will know the different parts of a plant and their function. 


During PE sessions we will be focusing on:

Sending and Receiving


Team Building.  


Term 5 - Art Attack


We are all very excited about our new topic… Art Attack! We are going to be thinking about inspiring artists; Andy Warhol, Henry Moore, Salvador Dali and Zaha Hadid.


In English we will be thinking about our school and our local community. We will be focusing on describing characters, writing in role, relating to our own experiences and writing non-fiction reports.


In Maths we will be focusing on fractions and learning about halves, quarters and thirds.


In Science we will be working scientifically, carrying out a variety of different experiments. 


In Topic we are going to be looking at four different artists; Henry Moore, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol and Zaha Hadid. We will be creating art work using a range of techniques.  smiley

Term 6 - Best of British

This term our Topic is 'Best of British', during topic sessions we will be:

  • Learning about traditional games
  • Looking at the history of British Kings and Queens
  • Focusing on ‘British Values’ in particular ‘Mutual Respect and Tolerance’ and ‘Individual Liberty’
  • We will be looking at the book ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin and the children will create a welcome pack for a new child coming to England.
  • The children will be looking at British inventions and guessing what they did and what they were called. They will then create their own invention.


In English we will be focusing on Michael Rosen's poetry and  Roald Dahl's text; 'The Enormous Crocodile'. The children will be writing a biography, poetry, as well as thinking about writing descriptively and creating their own poetry. 


During our Maths sessions we will be focusing on 'time', 'length and height' and 'position and direction'. 


In Science our focus will be on 'Materials', the children will be identifying and comparing the suitability of materials for particular uses. As well as finding how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. 


In PE our focus will be Dance. The children will use a stimulus to create their own dance.  smiley


Home Learning

Check out these links to websites and suggestions of things you can do at home.


Clicker is a popular Literacy support software which helps users of all ages and abilities to develop their reading and writing skills. Sentences and words are read back in a friendly, age appropriate voice that younger students can identify with, encouraging them to actively review and self-correct their work.
This links to a Parent portal, with lots of free speech and language resources, advice and tips for parents working at home with their children who have SLCN.
More speech and language activities and resources to support all children including those with SEND.
Maths of the Day is a useful website we use in school. We like it because it provides good ideas for learning Mathematical concepts in a fun and active way.
The RSPB provide a great range of outdoor learning activities for children and families. 
White Rose is a Maths resource that we use to inform our Maths planning in school. Currently they are offering free home schooling lessons and are updating their website weekly. 
Carol Vorderman's Maths website provides free daily sessions and interactive games. 
Here you can find lots of lovely interactive books to read online or watch with signing. 
Topmarks features a range of curriculum topics including English, Maths, Art, Science etc. 
Oxford Owl is a great website with a wide range of ideas for phonics and maths. Take a look at their free eBook library too, where you can find books matched to your child's book band with accompanying activities. 
This website provides lots of free phonics games to play.

ICT games provides lots of fun, interactive English and Maths activities. Maths activities are broken down into sections such as number, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions- all of which will be great to focus on. 

Many of the English games are focused upon phonics, specifically high frequency words and tricky words. 

The Literacy Shed is a great website that provides inspirational pictures and videos to motivate writing. 
GoNoodle is a fantastic website that offers lots of free physical activities for children. There are different categories such as guided dances, relaxation and mindfulness.