For the academic year 2011/12, The Oaks received £13,176 in Pupil Premium funding. The main outcomes of this additional funding were as follows:
Year 2 Pupils
- 91.7% of the eligible pupils made expected or better progress in Maths, 75% in reading and 91.7% in writing. This compares to 97%, 93% and 86% respectively for the whole school.
- 25% of these children made accelerated progress in Maths, 33% in writing and 16.7% in reading.
Year 1 Pupils
- 75% of the eligible pupils expected or better progress in Maths, 75% in reading and 87.5% in writing. This compares to 91%, 93% and 91% respectively for the whole school.
- 25% of these children made accelerated progress in Maths, 75% in writing and 62.5% in reading.
Additional intervention support was also made available to a range of other underachieving or SEN pupils.