We received £50,756 in Pupil Premium Funding.
At The Oaks we used the additional funding in the following ways:
- Provision of short-term intervention programmes for underachieving and disadvantaged pupils. This includes one to one interventions. In particular this year, we will use the funding to support Pupil Premium children in Year 1 who did not achieve a Good Level of Development (GLD) in EYFS.
- Employment of a Family Liaison Officer who also runs Nurture Groups to support the well-being of pupils in school and their families.
- Provision of enriching experiences for children through visitors into school as well as trips to outside facilities. These will happen at least once per term.
- Employment of a fully qualified Numbers Count teacher to deliver one-to-one teaching for our lowest achieving mathematicians. This has shown excellent impact on pupil outcomes in Maths over the last year.
- Provision of additional adult support at unstructured times of the day to enhance pupil involvement in physical activities and develop social skills, reducing incidents of conflict.
- Breakfast Club to ensure good attendance and readiness to learn.
- Any other additional provision which has been identified on an individual basis.
The main outcomes of this additional funding were as follows:
Year 2 Pupils
(13 eligible; 2 entered mid-Key Stage, 1 in the Speech and Language Unit, 2 with SEND)
Of the 12 main school pupils:
- 83% achieved age-related expectations. This is more than 20% higher than levels in Kent (National levels not yet published).
- 100% made good progress.
- 33% made accelerated progress.
- 92% achieved age-related expectations. This is more than 28% higher than levels in Kent (National levels not yet published).
- 100% made good progress.
- 55% made accelerated progress.
- 67% achieved age-related expectations. This is more than 11% higher than levels in Kent (National levels not yet published).
- 67% made good progress.
- 33% accelerated progress.
As a result, we have planned additional actions for writing for 2016-17.
Year 1 Pupils
(11 eligible, 1 in the Speech and Language Unit, 2 with SEND)
Of the 10 main school pupils:
- 60% achieved age-related expectations.
- 80% made good progress.
- 20% made accelerated progress.
- 70% achieved age-related expectations.
- 80% made good progress.
- 30% made accelerated progress.
- 70% achieved age-related expectations.
- 70% made good progress.
- 30% made accelerated progress.
Year R Pupils
(6 eligible, 2 with SEND)
67% achieved GLD. This is above National levels (2015) of 51%.
67% of pupils achieved expected outcomes against the Early Learning Goals in Number and Shape, Space and Measures.
67% of pupils achieved expected outcomes against the Early Learning Goals in reading and writing.