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Infant School

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Pupil Premium 2016-17


We received £37,505 in Pupil Premium Funding.


We analyse the barriers for each individual pupil and plan actions accordingly on an Individual Action Plan. This allows us to personalise provision for each pupil to ensure the impact is maximised. We ensure that the following are on offer to meet the needs of all pupils and in particular, those eligible for the Pupil Premium:


  • Provision of intensive intervention programmes: we employ fully qualified Reading Recovery and Numbers Count teachers to deliver these interventions. We also employ a Teaching Assistants to deliver a reading and writing intervention programme, which is based on Reading Recovery, called Better Reading and Writing Partnerships (BRWP). All of these interventions have proven excellent results at our school, with pupils making an average progress of 16 months in their number or reading age in 12 weeks.
  • Provision of enriching experiences for children through visitors into school as well as trips to outside facilities. These will happen at least once per term.
  • Breakfast Club to ensure good attendance and readiness to learn.
  • Any other additional provision which has been identified on an individual basis. For example, support with school attendance and well-being.


The impact of the spend on each individual pupil is analysed termly on their Individual Action Plan. Analyses may include attendance data, attainment and progress data, intervention data, well-being and involvement analyses and so on.


The main outcomes of this additional funding were as follows:


Year 2 Pupils

(13 eligible; 2 with EHCPs and 3 with other SEND)


Of the 11 pupils without an EHCP (note - one pupil is 9%):



  • 64% achieved age-related expectations. National for other pupils is 79%.

  • 91% made good progress across Key Stage One.

  • 45% made accelerated progress.

  • 28% of these pupils entered Year R at age-related expectations so there has been 36% uplift.


  • 82% achieved age-related expectations. National for other pupils is 79%.
  • 82% made good progress across Key Stage One.

  • 64% made accelerated progress.

  • 36% of these pupils entered Year R at age-related expectations so there has been 46% uplift.


  • 82% achieved age-related expectations. National for other pupils is 72%.

  • 82% made good progress across Key Stage One.

  • 45% made accelerated progress.

  • 55% entered Year R at age-related expectations so there has been 28% uplift.


The progress of pupils with EHCPs is tracked individually and against their EHCP targets. Their progress is good and accelerated in some areas. Individual case studies are written for pupils who do not make the expected progress.


Year 1 Pupils

(7 eligible, 2 with SEND, 2 joined the school in Year 1)


Of the 7 pupils (note - 1 pupil is 14%):



  • 100% achieved age-related expectations.
  • 86% made good progress.
  • 43% made accelerated progress.
  • 80% of the 5 pupils with us entered Year R at age-related expectations so there has been a 20% uplift.


  • 100% achieved age-related expectations.
  • 100% made good progress.
  • 29% made accelerated progress.
  • 80% of the 5 pupils with us entered Year R at age-related expectations so there has been a 20% uplift.


  • 86% achieved age-related expectations.
  • 100% made good progress.
  • 29% made accelerated progress.
  • 80% of the 5 pupils with us entered Year R at age-related expectations so there has been a 6% uplift.



Year R Pupils 

(10 eligible, 2 with EHCPs)

Of the 8 pupils without an EHCP (note - one pupil is 13%):

  • 63% achieved GLD. National levels (2016) is 72%.

  • 100% of pupils made good progress in reading and writing, 75% made accelerated progress.

  • 88% of pupils made accelerated progress in number and 100% made accelerated progress in Shape, Space and Measure.

  • The progress of pupils with EHCPs is tracked individually and against their EHCP targets. Their progress is good and accelerated in some areas.

